It’s funny; in this era of e-mail and voicemail and all those things I did not grow up with, a plain old paper letter takes on amazing intimacy.
Elizabeth Kostova

What is the continuing fascination with letter writing? In an age where communication can be done almost instantaneously around the globe, where news is reported 24/7 and any human being with a smartphone camera and internet connection can become a citizen journalist – why then do we feel so disconnected from each other?
Don’t get me wrong, the internet is, IMHO, the second Gutenberg printing press. It has revolutionized how humanity connects, shares information and relates to one another. If it were not for this technology, you would not be reading my thoughts on letter writing.
A letter, though, hand-written or punched into squares of clay from milennia’s past are popular attractions in museums world-wide. They place you on the shoulder of the writer, instantly connecting with them in their world, albeit briefly. A handwritten letter today can have the same effect.
This brings me to my pet project – Publetter Boise. This idea is shamelessly borrowed from Mike McG of Philadelphia. What is Publetter? That is a good question. It is an opportunity for anyone in the space of two good beers or coffee to compose a letter. All the materials (pens, paper, envelope, and stamps) to compose your letter are free of charge. You can write a loved one or choose from a carefully curated list of addresses of a variety of crafters, celebrities, scientists, explorers, politicians, and even a tree! The letters will be mailed on my way home.
For a brief time turn away from the glow of a smartphone and write a letter, in your own hand, to another human being (or tree). Turn someone’s billbox into a proper mailbox and take back a bit of the disconnected ennui that is rampant in our society. Who knows, maybe in a millennia or two your letter will find itself on display and future generations will wonder what you were all about. So don’t forget to date your letter!
Obviously, Publetter Boise will only start once it is safe to do so. Thank you, Coronavirus. Details will be shared as soon as possible.

1 Comment
May 17, 2020 at 12:39 pmHello?